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全日擺攤 TABLING ALL DAY 2-8 PM 37club、艺鵠 ACO、白糖罐 SugarJar、黑窗里 black window infoshop、Denpasar Kolektif、工人文藝 Workers' Literary Magazine、해방촌아나키모임 Haebang-Cheon Anarchy Meeting、空氣炸HellKitty、Horse and Gate、indisczinepartij、複印 Info、街坊排檔 Kai Fong Pai Dong、李智良 LEE Chi-leung、流動閱酷 Queer Reads Library、未命名的打雜 untitled miscellaneous、影行者 v-artivist、惟工新聞 Worker News、wares infoshop library、展銷場 Display Distribute,陸續有來 and more |
在工人身上劃界,割開條命既咩野? 四名關心全球工人議題的朋友淺談分享 What the Hell are We Doing when We Draw a Line and Slice Open the Lives of Workers? // 2:30-4:30 PM 如何走向工人團結的一小步? 今次的分享將帶來不同地方工人的例子,從中疏理工人被分化是有結構原因持續發生。 政商合謀,由上而下,你雕我琢塑成了全球化的規舉:資本可以通處走,種種劃界卻加以利用、鞏固怎至潛建,把工人牽制置於區隔,促成最大的剝削。劃界的形式不再單以地域去發生,劃界的執行會變奏,再嵌入工人的勞動生命。 四名講者將會逐一把觀察加以分析,由最明顯的例子講到最隱性的劃界。講者A想指出在中國珠三角地區工廠外移的過程中,資本如何利用地區經濟發展程度的差異,找更便宜的人來剝削,而政府又如何為資本的流動剷平障礙,同時分析中國工人的處境及反抗行動的變化; 講者B想分析中國的戶籍制度如何區隔國內的人,探討戶藉如何製造發展不平均,與全球分工縮影暗道陳倉;講者C想透過英國大學外判清潔工抗爭,道出邊界的執行無孔不入,本來設計為普及的政策如何被扭曲,加深既有的權力不平等; 講者D想慨談中國女工,生育政策如何影響勞動女性。工廠內女工面對種種的性騷擾,情況有幾普遍、形式如何? 從而帶出正視女工處境是有利工人聯合。 或者,淺談中能帶出的思考,互相引發到重新思考周邊工人之間的關係。面對劃界,我們仍有發力的可能。 How do we take one step towards worker solidarity? This sharing will bring together examples from different places within the labour movement, sorting out and dredging through the structural background leads to the continual segregation of the working class. Top-down collusions between politicians and business have etched in the patterns of globalisation by which capital flows in every direction, but also by which all kinds of boundaries are covertly built in the name of profit and consolidation. Workers are divided and disempowered with the utmost forms of exploitation. This drawing of boundaries does not only exist at the level of geography, for the lines themselves mutate and become embedded into the very fabric of life. Four unnamed guest speakers will each share observations and analysis from their respective work, ranging from the most explicit cases to other, more implicit examples. Speaker A will point out changes capital's use of differences in economic development among various regions parallel to the outward movement of factories leaving China's Pearl River Delta region in search of ever cheaper labour to exploit. The State’s bulldozing over any obstructions to the mobilisation of capital backgrounds an analysis about the conditions of Chinese labourers and parallel changes in resistance movements. Speaker B will elaborate upon how China's hukou household registration system divides its citizens, creating uneven development as well as a domestic microcosm of global city/countryside divisions. Speaker C will use the example of the struggle of sanitation workers outsourced by a UK university to illustrate how the enforcement of borders is all-pervasive. Both policies above were originally designed with universal principals in mind, but have been since distorted to further inequality and strengthen hegemonic power. Speaker D will present female labourer issues as a positive contribution to overall worker solidarity. Looking from the perspective of female workers in China, D will outline how child policy impacts female labourers. How common is the harassment Chinese women have to face in factories, and what form does it take? It is the intention of this gathering to bring about greater reflection and a mutual reconsideration of the relations between workers. Faced with ever increasing borders, we still have the possibility of a collective force. ### // 勞動 labour、中國 China、分享 sharing |
共享空間:在獨立出版,圖書館和檔案庫之間 Sharing Space: On Independent Publishing, Libraries and Archives // 5:00-7:00 PM 這次分享會將聚集三個獨立單位:indisczinepartij(日惹),流動閱酷 Queer Reads Library(香港)和 wares infoshop 圖書館(新加坡),均致力於自主印刷文化的特定領域,同時亦面對著獨立出版物的檔存及在經營集結、閱讀、空間和時間的參與性之雙重挑戰。 This sharing session will gather three initiatives, indisczinepartij (Yogyakarta), Queer Reads Library (Hong Kong) and wares infoshop library (Singapore)‚ all working with the dual challenge of independent publishing archives and making the spaces and moments to gather, read and engage with a particular realm of autonomous print culture. ### // 小誌 zines、存檔 archiving、對話 discussion |
全日擺攤 TABLING ALL DAY 2-8 PM @ 街坊排檔 Kai Fong Pai Dong 37club、白糖罐 SugarJar、黑窗里 black window infoshop、daikon* zine、Denpasar Kolektif、工人文藝 Workers' Literary Magazine、碧波押 Green Wave Art、해방촌아나키모임 Haebang-Cheon Anarchy Meeting、空氣炸HellKitty、indisczinepartij、複印 Info、街坊排檔 Kai Fong Pai Dong、李智良 LEE Chi-leung、李致安 Klaus LEE、流動閱酷 Queer Reads Library、未命名的打雜 untitled miscellaneous、影行者 v-artivist、惟工新聞 Worker News、wares infoshop library、展銷場 Display Distribute,陸續有來 and more |
照相機有兩隻眼睛,哪隻看真哪隻看假? A camera has two eyes, which one sees the truth, and which one sees lies? // 2:30-4:30 PM @ 碧波押 Green Wave Art 白糖罐落香港油麻地舊城區,這次將發佈野生藝術家──楊立才新出的《無題相冊》攝影書,本書記錄了從2008到2012年在中國北京記錄的城市發展與文化壓迫。 香港攝影師李致安,近十年記錄了生活中的城市空間以及地下音樂場景。地上、地下都是真實,也是現實。這個凌亂的二元命題,社會與反社會,他的視線時而向內,時而向外,愈來愈覺得其實望向哪邊都是無差別的。 在這裡,影像是認知現實與真實的一個切入點。 野生藝術家楊立才和攝影師李致安邀請各位朋友「不要只用眼睛看」,一起進行一次關於影像在現實和真實的製造過程中其作用的討論。兩位嘉賓的工作都曾涉及探索城市和它的縫隙,以及其間的落差和翻轉。 我們置身景觀社會,影像的作用究竟是什麼?是遮蔽現實,還是揭示真相?是不是不能只用眼睛看,才能看見其他的可能性? With this visit of SugarJar to Hong Kong's old Yaumatei neighbourhood, untrained artist YANG Licai launches his new book Themeless Photo Album, including images recorded of urban development and cultural oppression in Beijing, China, between 2008 and 2012. Photographer Klaus LEE has been documenting urban spaces and underground music venues in Hong Kong for the last ten years. Underground and 'over ground' are both truths, and they are both the reality. This chaotic dichotomy, of society and those against it, of a line of sight both towards the inside and to the outside, actually seems to be less and less differentiated. It is here that the image becomes an entry point for distinguishing between reality and truth. During this session, Yang and Hong Kong photographer Klaus LEE invite guests to 'not only use their eyes' and attempt a collective discussion about the image and its role in truth and reality-making. The work of both touches upon and explores urban environments and the crevices, gaps and upheavals amidst them. Now firmly entrenched within a society of spectacle, what exactly can the image be anymore? Does it reveal the truth, or does it actually hide reality? Is it possible that only when when we close our eyes other possibilities may become visible? ### // 攝影 photography、城市 city、私密/公共 private/public、真實/現實 truth/reality、對話 dialogue |
落葉歸根還是無盡漂泊:印尼移工回國之路 Going Back to Our Roots or Endless Drifting? Indonesian Migrant Workers on the Road Home // 5:00-7:00 PM @ 碧波押 Green Wave Art 總以為,移工出外打工會有完結的一天,畢竟香港社會沒有她們的位置。然而,越來越多歸鄉的移工又折返香港,留在家鄉的也日子艱難。不禁令人發問:為什麼移工要出來打工?如果不出來打工,他們是否有其他選擇?出外打工是否能改變命運?可不可以說,移工委身剝削制度只是無傷大雅的陣痛?到底,他們的處境與我們有什麼關係?帶著這些疑問,惟工新聞到訪印尼一個月,訪問了十多位歸鄉移工,與及農民組織、女性組織、工會等,集結訪問內容寫成了一系列文章及製作了一條半小時的紀錄片。在這個分享會裡,我們將分享在印尼的見聞,與及關於這些問題的思考。 We always think that the days of migrant workers leaving their homes for work will end at some point, because after all, Hong Kong society doesn't seem to have a place for them. But more and more of those migrant workers who have gone back home do find their way back to Hong Kong again, and many of those who choose to stay in their hometowns find it difficult. So we couldn’t help but ask the question: why do migrant workers have to leave their countries to work in the first place? Do they have other choices other than going abroad for work? Can such work really help them to improve their destinies? And is it possible to say that the exploitative system to which migrant workers submit themselves is only a small sacrifice for a greater good? What actually are the relations between their situations and us? Worker News brought these questions with us to Indonesia, and for the period of a month, visited over ten migrant workers who have returned to their hometowns. Together with farming groups, women's organisations and labour unions, we collected the material and wrote a series of essays and made a half-hour documentary film. During this session, we will share what we have learned in Indonesia, as well as our reflections about migrant labour issues. 專題詳情:wknews.org/node/1754 ### // 移工 migrant workers、紀錄片 documentary、放映 screening、討論 discussion |
峇里 x 首爾:越洋跨地的抗爭 Bali x Seoul: Resistance Struggles over Land and Sea 此夜我們將討論聚焦於針對土地和自然資源被泛濫發展的抗爭行動及小組,來自印度尼西亞峇里島的Denpasar Kolektif成員、來自韓國首爾的Haebang-Cheon Anarchy Meeting(解放村安那其會議)和正在香港新界村落橫洲參與抵抗的香港行動者們將會互相交換和分享經驗。 This evening we will draw focus upon actions and groups against the rampant development of land and natural resources, with an exchange among members of Denpasar Kolektif (Bali, Indonesia), Haebang-Cheon Anarchy Meeting (Seoul) and local Hong Kong activists working in the Wang Chau village area of the New Territories. * 註 // 活動在閣樓舉行,需要樓梯上落,行動不便者請留意。閣樓要除鞋上去,席地而坐,備有少量坐墊。場地所限,放映環節只能容納13人,映後收起放映器材,可以容納20人交流討論。請盡早前來,坐穩屎忽,舒服看戲。 * NOTE // Please kindly note that the venue is located on the first floor inside Living Bookspace, accessible by a staircase and kindly requests for shoes to be kept downstairs. Feel free to sit on the floor. We will provide some cushions. There will be space limitations of 13 people for the film screening, and 20 people for sharing and discussions. Please come early to ensure you enjoy the films. ### // 縉紳化 gentrification、逼遷 forced eviction、放映 screening、分享 sharing |
Squatting, Social Centres and DIY Music/Radio Culture in London // 5-7 PM ### // 廣播電台 broadcast、倫敦 London、分享 sharing Despite appearing as a clean and business friendly city on the face of it, London is also a place with a continuous cultural undercurrent, acting as a counter movement to the overtly capitalistic nature of much of what is visible and experienced by its inhabitants. This counter culture is consistently having to evolve and reinvent itself in attempt to keep one step ahead of forces which seek to undermine and disperse forms of collective mobilisation in order for them to be replaced by an outlook which favours outright individualism. To contextualise in a wider sense, when we refer to England as a nation with London as the economic and political centre, despite a number of attempts by some key figures throughout history we are essentially referring here to a place where no overarching revolution has taken place in around 1000 years of history and indeed the lineage of the same monarchy has been retained for this entire period. Despite this somewhat depressing fact, during the period post the year 2000 there have been a number of movements of various shapes and sizes which have gained notoriety and provided a platform for an alternative discourse. I will now proceed in taking a look at some of the key developments which have taken place in London during this period. |
空氣炸老B LIVE // 7:30-10 PM ### // mininoise、實驗 experimental、演出 concert 來自廣州的實驗小組「空氣炸HellKitty」和香港草根民謠唱作人老B將會進行即興對話。 Improvised dialogue between Guangzhou-based experimental group 空氣炸HellKitty and Hong Kong folk singer-songwriter 老B. |
國際勞動日遊行 LABOUR DAY DEMO // 2:00-5:00 PM @ 銅鑼灣中央圖書館會合 Hong Kong Central Library meeting point ![]() 與2019全球五一勞動行動結連共行,呼籲在年度勞動節參與支持全世界的工人鬥爭。 Annual Labour Day call to support the struggle of workers all over the world, in solidarity with Global May Day 2019. ### // 遊行 rally、移工 migrant workers、勞工 labour |
酷兒廣東/英語字典 Queer Canto/English Lexicon // 7:00 - 9:00 PM @ 蘇杭街 Jervois Street 「流動閱酷」聯同「香港跨性別資源中心」組織一個以討論及探索中英文「酷兒」詞語的聚會。收集到的資料將會編錄成一本字匯書仔。歡迎大家参與。 In this workshop facilitated by Queer Reads Library and Julian from the Transgender Resource Centre (TGR), we will brainstorm terms for inclusion in a Queer Cantonese and English Lexicon. The workshop will be conducted in both Cantonese and English. All are welcome. * 註 // 晚餐由Table of Two Cities供應,請按需付費並自備餐具,感謝! * NOTE // Dinner included (bring your own utensils/bowls/plates), pay what you can (to be donated to Table of Two Cities). ### // 酷兒 LGBTQ、小誌 zine、語言 language、工作坊 workshop |
香港的『黑書展』在2017年11月首次舉辦,是一次自發自主的聚集,圍繞左翼文藝和實踐而延展、交流。那是一個充實且難忘的週末,書本雜誌擺滿地,海報橫額用櫈掛起,人們站坐其間交流,關心社會行動、音樂、藝術、獨立出版,還有組織與自我組織。也有間頓休息時,分享詩歌,一同用饍,合力協助搬運書本和物資往還。 之後一年,發起人把黑書展交給一群全新的面孔—- 一班同樣受『黑書展』啟發、正在聚集的人。這一張張新面孔仍未是「一群」人,沒有在第二年令黑書展如期誕生,卻留下一道懸而未解的問題:「為甚麼黑?」,延續到今年。我們以這道問題為起點,嘗試去繼續,也嘗試置換不同的角度,將今年的活動換名為「黑書眾」。還回基本步,「黑」令我們想起一種顏色,是紛雜眾色混和不分之色,載納所有,卻無垠若虛。我們仍未是「一群」,不是一間機構,甚或不是一個共同體;我們與喋喋不休且多聲道的基進歷史保持思考的距離;我們可以想像一種未知的色/識,指向不為種族、階級、家國、性別所限、未知的共同生活嗎?這彷彿正如香港的現況——我們的聚合和集結,可以何為?可以謂何?我們渴望去重新反思、反覆嘗試、反覆着墨。我們會準備好一個空間,帶來解放的文藝和自主的創作,誠懇地邀請你們前來,一同參與延續這趟開放的交流和對話。 2019年4月27日至5月1日期間,我們將於城中不同地點展開交流。活動完結於五一勞動節,我們以自身關注工作零散化,回應同時支持世界各地勞工的抗爭。歡迎參與!可以到『黑書眾』網站了解活動最新消息。 |
The Black Book Fair was first held in Hong Kong in November 2017 as an autonomous gathering around leftist literature and practice. Amidst books scattered across the floor and banners strewn across chairs, a fruitful weekend of exchanges and discussions took place among activists, musicians, artists, publishers and organisers, punctuated by poetry, meals together and van trips to transport books around the city. In the following year, its initiators handed the project over to a completely new configuration of people inspired by their previous work. This group, not yet a group, failed to realise the event, but continued the question, "Why black?" We began to conjure up a few new positions and plans for what we now call the Black Book Assembly. At its basis, we recall it being the colour of all colours, an absorption of all light and yet vast in its nothingness. With an estranged relation to multiple radical histories and always dialogical, can we — still not yet a group, certainly not an institution, and maybe not even a community — discover the colour to an as-of-yet-unknown life in common, beyond the bounds of race, class, nation state, gender and ability? This says as much about the conditions of Hong Kong as it does about the need to rethink, re-attempt and re-colour what our assembly can do and can be. Between the literature of emancipation and autonomous modes of making, this is a humble invitation for you to join us for sharing and conversation. We will be popping up from 27 April to 1 May 2019 in different locations throughout the city, juxtaposing our own concerns as precarious workers with the annual May Day call to support the struggle of workers all over the world. All are welcome. Please return to this website for continual updates of the activity schedule and locations. |